Research Capabilities & Technology

We continually invest in and improve our methods, to give you deeper, clearer insights about people, so you can grow.
people taking selfies with smartphones

Benefit from the latest technology

Artificial intelligence, chatbots, virtual reality... our solutions lead to deeper human understanding, more efficiently.

Deploy the latest thinking

The latest in behavioural science and cognitive psychology is embedded in our methods and solutions, for better results.

Get deeper insights

Explore people’s lives, relationships and cultural contexts, with insights from the world's largest qualitative network.

Go faster and work smarter

Test ideas in virtual environments, to save time and effort. Avoid wastage around design, innovation and advertising.
Featured solutions
Custom quick-turn survey solutions designed for you to DIT with Kantar’s experts.
Get a deep and holistic understanding of what people are really thinking and feeling so you can address the challenges of the future.
Use technology to understand how people make decisions and engage with content, and what really captures their attention.
Additional solutions