Understanding video subscribers

More than 60% of connected consumers across the largest ad markets watch TV shows or movies via online subscriptions.
18 December 2018
man watching netflix
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This year it has been reported that both Netflix and Amazon are doubling their multi-billion video content budgets – making them among the biggest content spenders in the world - in the fierce global battle for eyeballs.

New insights from Kantar’s recently-launched TGI Global Quick View dataset show the global reach of these services with more than 60% of connected consumers across 22 of the world’s largest ad markets now watching TV shows or movies via online subscriptions.

At a global level, TGI Global Quick View demonstrates how regular viewers of online subscription channels are a premium audience for marketers to target. Those who watch such content via smartphone are 43% more likely than the average connected consumer to be aged 16-24, while tablet viewers are more than twice as likely to be in the lucrative top 10% bracket of income earners.

There are however, significant differences in adoption levels of online subscription channels across even the major advertising markets.

In China – where the number of internet users has increased seven-fold in the last ten years – more than 70% of connected consumers subscribe to online video channels.

The use of these platforms in China exceeds other key markets, including Russia (64%), US (62%), Great Britain (55%) and France (49%).

And in markets such as India (32%) & South Africa (15%), where penetration of these services is lower, new opportunities for brands will emerge to leverage online subscription services to engage their target audiences.

We saw from our DIMENSION study earlier this year that while consumers are increasingly prepared to pay for premium video content, the challenge for marketers & planners is to make sense of a landscape when digital video is being sold on different metrics to TV*.

Increasingly marketers require a connected intelligence approach that enables both a holistic understanding of macro consumer trends and local insights. For more information about how TGI Global Quick View can help to improve your understanding of connected consumers, please get in touch.

*Adapted from A Whole New (Old) World, Kantar’s DIMENSION study 2018

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