Decoding Ad Magic: An overview of our creative ADventure

03 juli 2024
Kantar - Decoding Ad Magic July 2024

Which campaigns performed well in 2023 and what trends did we observe in the advertising world? How do you create a successful campaign while staying true to your brand DNA, and what is a good starting point for this?

These are just some of the questions that were answered during our Decoding Ad Magic event. We are pleased to share with you a brief overview below.

First of all, a big thanks to Jolien for taking us through Chocomel's creative adventure and to Marc for sharing valuable insights from Danone's experience with LINK AI.
Kantar - Decoding Ad Magic 2024 - Speakers
Together with Luka and Sjim, we looked at the five creative trends from the Creative Effectiveness Awards. Thanks to Dean, we now all have a better understanding of the role effective creatives play in brand growth.

If you'd like to read more, don't hesitate to download the Creative Effectiveness Awards booklet or the Blueprint for Brand Growth book.

Kantar Creative Effectiveness Awards 2024 Booklet

Creative Effectiveness Awards 2024

Download the booklet
Kantar - Blueprint for Brand Growth Header

Blueprint for Brand Growth

Download the free book