Answers you can trust, from people everywhere.

Kantar Profiles is home to the world’s most reliable respondent network for consumer insights. We own and operate six proprietary premium panels and provide access to 170+ million consumers across more than 100 markets - enabling meaningful conversations with the people who matter most to your brand, with speed and at scale.

We know that our clients use research to make multi-million-dollar decisions on product development, business strategy, and marketing investments.

This is why Profiles is transforming the panel industry by investing in next-gen technology for sampling, sourcing, and anti-fraud solutions. With the rapid evolution of the panel landscape, the only way to stay ahead is with effective AI.

Our clients rely on Profiles to ensure the consumer data they collect can be trusted, because data quality starts with real, engaged respondents everywhere.

Explore our Respondent Hub book for a look at our global reach by market, profiling capabilities and more.