COVID-19 Social Impact: Response and Recovery

A social impact assessment programme to anticipate and address policy and communication challenges and opportunities from COVID-19.

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As governments around the world act quickly to respond to the health, social, and economic crises presented by the coronavirus pandemic, Kantar has developed a social impact assessment programme to support you during the response and recovery period, drawing on our unique global infrastructure and unparalleled digital reach.

Key features

Expert support across the policy cycle

This programme incorporates our expertise across the spectrum of policy formation and evaluation, as well as behavioural, communication and service design challenges.

Digital reach across all of society

Assess impact across the population – including those who are hard to reach or marginalised – through mobile, app-based and other research tools adapted to support social distancing protocols.

Data analytics for rapid response

Get rapid responses – often in real time – to policy questions. Anticipate and address policy and communications challenges and opportunities as they arise, based on robust evidence.

More information

Kantar has the largest infrastructure of digital-based research platforms of any organisation in the world. All of this allows us to provide robust evidence to better understand citizens and the direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic. Our expert advisors and consultants can work with clients to interpret this evidence and build for a resilient recovery.

  • Learn how best to engage citizens, ensure community resilience and close the compliance gap during lock down periods.
  • Understand the impacts of financial hardship due to lower household income and resulting attitudes and behaviours amongst vulnerable population segments.
  • Discover how to minimise the physical and mental health risks resulting from social distancing and isolation.
  • Anticipate the shape of the ‘new normal’ and shifts in perspective, attitudes and behaviours amongst generations and different socio-economic groups, and the implications for a range of policy areas.